The Be Good To Women Day® Prayer Vigil is the most Be Good To Women.2anticipated of our annual events. Here is where the people have an opportunity to bring their concerns, desires and goals for the coming months, to God in prayer. In addition to lifting our voices to the Lord we will be inspired by words of Power and Encouragement from two tremendous servants of God: Reverend Joyce Reece Kitchen and Rev Kamal Hassan, who have been selected because of their commitment to equality and Love for all people. It is always a Wonderful experience because, THE POWER IS WITH GOD! And GOD IS WITH US! Please join us:

Tuesday March 8, 2016 7PM
Los Angeles, Ca. 90011


Joyce Reece Kitchen is the Pastor of Emmanuel – Henry McNeal Turner African Methodist Episcopal Church. However; being a pastor is just one expression of her commitment to service. For over 17 years Rev Kitchen worked as a Physician’s Assistant, a Master’s Degree level position, where she witnessed firsthand the incredible emotional pain and sicknesses that polluted the lives of the many families she serviced. In this capacity she embraced the opportunity to help the quality of her client’s lives; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Many of the young parents of her patients looked to Rev. Kitchen as a “surrogate mother”, as she taught them how to effectively care for their children, and improve their personal life situations.

In 1997, at the ripe old age of 42, Rev. Kitchen left this comfortable high paying career and returned to school; once again embracing her commitment to service and “God’s will” for her talents. Two years later she received her Master’s Degree in Social Welfare from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and began working for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, Adoptions unit. There she helped abused children find families to love and care for them.

Given her ability to integrate professional knowledge with her faith, Rev. Kitchen is highly respected in both the ecumenical and secular community.  As a facilitator for co-dependency groups, Rev. Kitchen counsels individuals and couples throughout the nation, who appreciate her ability to “tell it like it is”. Using a gentle but firm approach, she has a way of speaking to the heart of people’s hurt, helping them to transition from pain to power. Truly anointed by God,Rev. Joyce Kitchen headshot she excels in marital counseling and is known as a prayer warrior who has taught numerous dynamic workshops on the power of prayer.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Rev. Joyce Kitchen earned her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Southern California (USC), a Bachelors degree in Health Science from California State University at Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) and a P.A. Certification from Charles R. Drew Postgraduate Medical School. Rev. Kitchen is the wife of Award Winning Advertising Writer/Producer and Playwright, Maurice Kitchen, who also founded the popular acapella singing group, Street Corner Renaissance.  She is the mother of five children, the grandmother of eleven, and great-grandmother of two.  Rev. Joyce Reece Kitchen, a determined soldier, on the battlefield for Christ and her community and continues to fight the good fight. To God be the glory.



Kamal Hassan  is a spiritual leader, educator, and community servant. He currently serves as Pastor/Teaching Elder at the Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church in Richmond California, a position he has held since 2008. Before this call Reverend Hassan spent more than three decades as both a public and private school educator, community organizer and religious worker. He holds an AA degree in Radio Broadcasting from Los Angeles City College, a BA in History from California State University Los Angeles, and a Master of Divinity degree from the San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Kamal is a founding member of both the New Afrikan People’s Organization and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. He has worked for social justice and Human Rights locally, nationally, and internationally. He was also a volunteer programmer of a regular liberation focused program on radio station KPFK the Pacifica affiliate in Los Angeles for 10 years. He now serves as a Board member of OneLife Institute for Spirituality and Social Transformation based in Oakland California.

He firmly believes that, “Spiritual Communities must be critically engaged in the effort to mend the tear in our social fabric that has allowed so many of us to focus on our individual needs and ignore the sufferings of others. To be true to our prophetic calling, we must act locally for justice, freedom, and peace while considering the global implications of our commitments. At the same time we must each pursue our inner and outer journeys of faith.”

Rev. Kamal Hassan, Pastor/Teaching Elder

Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church
2621 Shane Dr
Richmond, CA 94806
510 222 2020

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