Prayer Wall: All Are Welcome

I love the Lord He heard my cry and pitied every groan
long as I live and troubles rise I’ll hasten to His throne
We invite you to take your cares, concerns, worship and praise before God in prayer. We also urge you to pray for others.
Submit your prayer using the form below.

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Antonia McCarthy Carroll And David

Antonia McCarthy Carroll And David P Carroll Soulmates Forever And Forever Inside Lord Jesus Christ’s Heart We Love Each Other Amen.

Antonia McCarthy Carroll

Father please let others join

Father please let others join me in this prayer asking that my daughter can overcome addiction depression and suicidal thoughts. Please give us the attorney to be able to give guardianship of my grandson to his grandfather. Father please intervene on our behalf in this terrible time and allow us to give You the glory. In Jesus name. Amen

Shannon P Howard

[We read] In KJV, Ezekiel

[We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”
O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?
Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end.
Please pray that United Kingdom, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).
* Poland, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,
* the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church – Matt. 3.12 “Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
* my family:
1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God’s order in that case.
2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, and our sons Peter and Daniel – “..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24.15
3. Pray for God’s will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God’s direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God’s protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband),
4. God’s order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.


Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus – I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen. _______________________________________ Dear everyone, please pray for this prayer request above, and please share it with everyone, everywhere! Until it comes true, and Jesus returns to save His people – which hopefully, by then, will include all the people of the world! Thank You! God bless you! 🙂 Sincerely, Leo Sourisseau Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Also, please visit the website of to see the prayer above in 25 other languages! And, please do as follows below, as I believe that doing so will help to make the prayers of the rosary even more powerful than they already are: Learn a new prayer to pray with the rosary! Visit the website of (where you can see this second prayer in over 40 languages! ) and / or download the Worldwide Rosary Prayer app, for free, at the iTunes store (for iphones) or at the Google Play store (for android phones). Also please visit the new website of PLEASE – Pray the prayers above to help Jesus to triumph on Earth soon! Jesus is the best eternal leader for humanity – vote for Jesus, with your prayers! 🙂

Leo Sourisseau


God please bless me with a wife to love and care for

Anthony m


Please pray for Eric McDonald. Please pray for his salvation. Eric needs deep inter healing. Pray that God will tear down all the strong holds in his life. Please pray God will heal the memories of his past. He needs to come unto Christ and give himself to God through the saving grace of Jesus Christ… I believe God can and will touch his life and touch his heart and mind… Pray for a miracle of New Life in Christ…Pray that he will be a new man in Christ Jesus… Pray that Eric will experience the grace and mercy of God and this will turn his life around!!!

Alfred Brown


I have always struggled with self confidence and self worth. Coming here with my mom has really made my confidence grow and has made me realize what I am worth as a young woman. Everyone at this church is supportive; especially my mom who has helped me through thick and thin. I thank God for everyone in my life everyday .


My prayer request is that god provide permanent housing for me and my son. I praise the Lord for each one of you. Thank you so much for your prayers.


I am requesting prayer for Mrs. Velma Oden, former First Lady of The Bryant Temple AMEC, current First Lady of Bethel AMEC Oxnard. We recently learned that she was hospitalized again. No other details were given but the great news is our God already knows EXACTLY what she needs. Please stand with us in prayer… Also, Sis. Akira Leakes who is a member of the Voices of the Temple choir is having surgery today as well. She solicits your prayers as well. #James5:16

Nicole Curry


I thank you God for making yourself available to me through the blood of Jesus. I thank you for health and strength and too many other Blessings to list. I join several others in prayer for the Hassan family. Makini is having spinal surgery as I send this prayer for your divine intervention and guidance for the staff who attends her. Let them be your anointed vessels as conduits of your healing. give Makini and Kamal sweet rest and peace as your healing process takes affect. I the name of Jesus I pray. AMEN

Brad Sanders


God I lift the upcoming Be Good to Women Day events before Your throne of grace. We are trusting You to send just those who You know need to be there. Bless each panelist, resource personal, peachier and participant. We are expecting healing, deliverance, and salvation to be manifest and promise to give Your name the glory. In The Strong Name of Jesus

Joyce Kitchen


Please pray for my only son who’s behind the walls at the California men’s colony. He’s serving 6 year sentence I pray that he finds the lord and his health and strength. I also want pray for myself, my health and strength. I also want you to pray that I grow in the lord, And I’m trying to live right And I need Prayer. I’m broken, My Heart Needs healing Please pray for me My Spirit needs Healing my family Relationships Need Healing.


Pray for all that are in the building tonight men women and children. Pray for my sons and grandson Pray for world


Pray for my daughters Janet, Renee, Antoinette, Joan that they get along all the time & not be so bad to each other.


Dear God I thank you for health and strength and for all the Blessings so easily taken for granted like food, air, transportation, shelter, means of communication and thousands of others that I could never count. I ask that you forgive my sins and help me to repent of all wrong doing. Thank you God for loving me and for giving me the ability to love others, I pray that you will Bless our Be Good To Women Day events. Please help them to be well attended and the people to be Blessed in life changing ways. I ask that your vision be made manifest in our efforts. Bless and keep us as we go about our work and empower us with your Holy Spirit. I ask these and all Blessings in the powerful, life giving name of Jesus, AMEN


I Erica Marlowe from Emmanuel HM Turner want to ask for a prayer for myself starting with my depression, my suicidal thoughts, my loneliness , my wanting not just a man in my life but a husband. Praying for myself to have patience and have faith in God and knowing he hears my request and he will never leave me. Praying for me to break all the chains that have me captured, The chains of depression, loneliness , suicidal, and the chains of the memories of abuse and rape. Break the chains of the continued thoughts of Suicide and loneliness , chains of feeling like what others tell me I am.


Oh my Church Please Pray for persons who don’t know the love of God. Who do not know that no weapon formed against God’s children can prosper. Amen, Amen


Thanking God for physical and spiritual healing of surgery. Prayer for the world,Peace and Compassion for each other.


Please pray for our marriage and for all marriages. Pry for my husband’s health and healing. Pray for our daughters break every chain.


Please pray for my daughter and son that GOD would show them how much he loves them and for them to love GOD with all their heart mind and soul.


Please pray for my daughter’s mental healing.


Due to my drug addiction I lost my child to DCFS. I’m asking the church to pray that I continue to serve Christ, that I stay delivered from drugs and alcohol, that I stay keeping God first in everything that I do. Prayer that the courts give me full custody of my child and put him with me because he deserves to be with his mother. I beg God for my forgiveness and I want to be made over. To become the mother God wants me to be. Amen


I I’m believing God to heal my brother in love and many others from Cancer II Believing God to heal one of my friends from surgery for blocked bowel III Believing for women to be delivered from abuse also for men who are being abused by women. IV For those who suffer from mental disease to be healed. V Believing for those who have Alzheimer’s to be healed. VI Believing for those who have type II Diabetes to be healed.


Please join me in prayer for our upcoming Be Good To Women Day events. My prayer is that our panel and prayer vigil will Bless many people as we pursue our mission to eliminate damaging words, images and behavior towards women and girls while promoting equality, love and respect through education and advocacy for the benefit of all. God please guide and direct our paths that your will be done. In the name of Jesus, Amen


I pray that our marriage and other marriages would be blessed by having an awesome communication line! May Your words be on our lips daily. May Your wisdom and your encouragement flow through us affirming our spouses in Jesus’ name AMEN!