Given that communication is key to
Be Good To Women Day 2016 presents
A panel for men and women to share ways of listening and speaking to each other that will transform combative, frustrating language into words of love and compassion for personal relationships, and words of appreciation and respect in workplace interactions.
We are excited to have with us a distinguished panel of men and women who posses much knowledge and experience in helping others achieve strong healthy relationships.
Dr. Verda Bradley – Ph.D., LCSW, M.Ed. – Panelist
Dr. Verda Bradley Ph.D, LCSW, joins us again for Be Good To Women Day® This year she will lend her clinical expertise and years of experience to our panel; Are You Hearing Me? Am I Hearing You? Dr. Bradley is licensed by the American Board Of Clinical Social Workers, she is a board certified diplomat and CEO on the Bradley-Glen Behavioral Health Association. She comes well equipped to offer advice and insight to men and women who want to improve their communication with one another.
Kiana Shaw – Panelist
Kiana Shaw is a two-time best-selling Author, Speaker, Parent, Teen and Master Personal Development Coach. She has dedicated her life to teaching teen girls empowerment, leadership and life-skills through both her foundation, Village of Truth and her company LeadHERship Academy. As a result of working with her, teenagers learn all the things they think they already know and become self-sufficient, productive members of society.
Her work as a parent and teen coach has led to her upcoming book, “I Choose to be a Lady: Basic Life Lessons for our Daughters” and the release of her audio series “Sex, Self-esteem and Social Media” which has received rave reviews as a “must have for parents.” She was the national recipient of the 2015 “Parent Coach of the Year” award and celebrates a personal life motto of: Vision + Action = Elevation.
Dr. Charles Lee Johnson MSW, D. MIN. – Panelist
Dr. Charles Lee Johnson is the pastor of Corona Community Church. He is also CEO of the National Family Life and Education Center which provides local, national and international consultation and training services. Dr. Johnson is unequivocally committed to positive development of young people, families and communities across the world. We are honored to have him as a panelist for “Are You Hearing Me? Am I Hearing You?”
Minister Kirkpatrick Tyler – Panelist
Rev. Kirkpatrick Tyler serves as the Executive Director of The Fig Tree Development Group a non profit organization that provides capacity building, leadership training and program development for community organizations, faith institutions and small businesses. Rev. Tyler also
serves as Youth and Community Outreach minister at Second African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles California, Rev. Carolyn Baskin-Bell Pastor.
Over the last 13 years Rev. Tyler has served in several communities throughout the United States developing community based leadership and building sustainable change.
Rev. Tyler holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management and Leadership Development from Morris Brown College in Atlanta Ga. and a Masters in Public Administration from The City University of New York Baruch School of Public Affairs. He is married to Mrs. Khamille Joy Tyler and the proud father of his daughter Anaya Lorraine Tyler.